COVID Guidelines For Audiences

These guidelines are for S&S productions and may not reflect the practices of organizations who rent our facility for events.

The Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre welcomes the community to our Sixth Season while prioritizing individual and communal health.

We are closely following the conditions at the local and national level, and observing county, state, and federal guidelines, along with up-to-date medical and scientific data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that in-person gatherings this fall and winter follow safety precautions including mask-use and sanitizing. We are planning our 2022-23 Season under these guidelines and will facilitate safety measures in accordance with guidance from the Pima County Health Department.

As medical guidelines change, we may implement changes for our 2022-23 Season as needed. Our requirements are reassessed periodically throughout the season. As we have demonstrated over the past two and a half years of the pandemic, we are committed to producing events that bring our community together in creative and safe ways that help us all thrive. Purchasing a ticket to attend one of our shows means agreeing to all of the following protocols and regulations.

Masks: We encourage but do not require our audience, staff and volunteers to wear masks while indoors. Masks are strongly recommended to be of medical grade surgical or N95 quality. Patrons who need a mask of this caliber may ask for one at the box office time of check-in. Performers will not be wearing masks during the show.

Touchless Environment: There will be no physical programs or tickets. When you arrive, you can check in with just your name. Digital programs can be accessed at the theatre with a smartphone and can also be emailed to you upon request.

Facilities: Hand Sanitizer is available to all throughout the building, as well as clean bathroom facilities in which to wash one’s hands. All high-touch surfaces and seating is sanitized regularly and bathrooms will be sanitized frequently. HEPA filters and HVAC fans will run throughout the theatre to ensure a consistent exchange of fresh air.

House Open: Seating will begin no earlier than 15 mins before show time, with assistance and accommodations for patrons with special needs. Patrons are welcome to wait for seating the lovely Historic Y Courtyard.

Self-Wellness Assessment: Staff, performers, volunteers and our audience are asked to self-assess for COVID related symptoms before attending a production. If you aren’t feeling well or aren’t sure, stay home! While we still encourage testing, it is now common to test negative in the early days of symptoms of COVID and test positive well into one’s illness. Please prioritize displaying any symptoms of illness as your indicator of whether to attend a show over a negative test result. We will reschedule or refund your tickets.

COVID Exposure: All patrons, staff, performers, and volunteers are asked to remain at home if they have been in contact with someone who is known or suspected to have COVID-19 in the previous two weeks.

Vaccination Recommendation: Surges of COVID-19 variants are still occurring. While we are no longer checking vaccination status at the door, we very strongly urge everyone to get vaccinated. Unvaccinated individuals are at greater risk of contracting illness and place others at risk as well. We urge anyone unvaccinated to carefully and ethically weigh their participation in public events.

Last Updated: 1 May 2023